It's 2020 and I have been feeling very convicted given the current culture climate. Anti-Biblical voices are on the rise politically, in the "education" system, in the media "news" and entertainment in an effort to drown out any sense of morality and reason. Up is down, round is square and right is wrong. So, what does that mean for us?
So much to say on this very weighted topic so I will try to focus in on one aspect. Superbowl!
The internet is a flurry regarding Superbowl ads that lack any sense of morality while refusing to air ads promoting real morality. When I see headlines like this it rocks me to the very core of my being as I seek to lie my life for God, remaining close to His Word while trying to live out the Gospel in all areas of my life. I am very far from perfect. The Bible reminds us of this truth in Romans 3:9-20, hence our need for Jesus. But why does this bother me so? We know that God declares these things will happen as a precursor to Jesus returning, so I should be joyful, even excited. However I am not and here is why...
So much to say on this very weighted topic so I will try to focus in on one aspect. Superbowl!
The internet is a flurry regarding Superbowl ads that lack any sense of morality while refusing to air ads promoting real morality. When I see headlines like this it rocks me to the very core of my being as I seek to lie my life for God, remaining close to His Word while trying to live out the Gospel in all areas of my life. I am very far from perfect. The Bible reminds us of this truth in Romans 3:9-20, hence our need for Jesus. But why does this bother me so? We know that God declares these things will happen as a precursor to Jesus returning, so I should be joyful, even excited. However I am not and here is why...
There are so many I know who, not only do not know Jesus or have failed to accept Him as their Savior, but out right reject Him and even mock those who do know Him. These are family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. I hear their discussions and see their posts on social media. At first glance, these comments by them are outright mean, un-loving, inconsiderate, unapologetic, intolerant, etc. of everything I believe. All against the Truth of God. If I would dare to try ti engage in a discussion on such conversations or postings, I am bullied into silence, so, I say nothing. This is a Biblical Truth in James 1:19 that, until recently, I have been slow to learn
At second glance at the comments coming from the media or friends and relatives, I see the emptiness of their soul. When we read in scripture, especially in Ecclesiastes, we see the eventual result of the selfish persecutes of this world brings.
This saddens me more then I can express in words. One, because the media and political agendas are pushing a self-centered agenda on generations of people, including my children, fostering a culture of pride that creates false hope and entitlement. Two, because family members and friends that I deeply care about are buying into this false sense of hope that we know will only end up in despair, and if not repentant, will result in a very unfavorable eternity apart from God forever!
Ravi Zacharias has said "Everyone - pantheist, atheist, skeptic, polytheist - has to answer these questions: 'Where did I come from? What is life's meaning? How do I define right from wrong and what happens to me when I die?' Those are the fulcrum points of our existence."
The difference is between influences and being influential. The current culture is trying to influence generations by seeking to be self serving, which we know by history, is completely unsustainable resulting in utter chaos. Many will be baited by these ideas like the cheese in in a mouse trap only to realize their mistake when it is too late. As children we are warned by being baited into a strangers car with puppies or ice cream and yet this is exactly what is happening in America today on a much bigger scale.
So what do we do and how exactly does this relate to being an artist? Art imitates life. Our goal as artists who love Christ should be to use our talents for His glory in an effort to guide souls into a saving relationship with our Savior. In order to do this effectively, our lives first need to aligned with God's will. If our lives do not exhibit the goodness of God, our art will not be exhibiting the glory of God. This means being in the Word daily.
1.) As Christ followers we need to know the Bible better then anyone. If we do not, we are just as susceptible to being drawn in by false teachers who twist the very word of God in an effort to promote false doctrine. We see this today in the media, politics, education, etc. that say you can define yourself anyway you want to and it's OK, regardless of what the truth is How deceitful is Satan who cloaks sin in a garment called love?
This saddens me more then I can express in words. One, because the media and political agendas are pushing a self-centered agenda on generations of people, including my children, fostering a culture of pride that creates false hope and entitlement. Two, because family members and friends that I deeply care about are buying into this false sense of hope that we know will only end up in despair, and if not repentant, will result in a very unfavorable eternity apart from God forever!
Ravi Zacharias has said "Everyone - pantheist, atheist, skeptic, polytheist - has to answer these questions: 'Where did I come from? What is life's meaning? How do I define right from wrong and what happens to me when I die?' Those are the fulcrum points of our existence."
The difference is between influences and being influential. The current culture is trying to influence generations by seeking to be self serving, which we know by history, is completely unsustainable resulting in utter chaos. Many will be baited by these ideas like the cheese in in a mouse trap only to realize their mistake when it is too late. As children we are warned by being baited into a strangers car with puppies or ice cream and yet this is exactly what is happening in America today on a much bigger scale.
So what do we do and how exactly does this relate to being an artist? Art imitates life. Our goal as artists who love Christ should be to use our talents for His glory in an effort to guide souls into a saving relationship with our Savior. In order to do this effectively, our lives first need to aligned with God's will. If our lives do not exhibit the goodness of God, our art will not be exhibiting the glory of God. This means being in the Word daily.
1.) As Christ followers we need to know the Bible better then anyone. If we do not, we are just as susceptible to being drawn in by false teachers who twist the very word of God in an effort to promote false doctrine. We see this today in the media, politics, education, etc. that say you can define yourself anyway you want to and it's OK, regardless of what the truth is How deceitful is Satan who cloaks sin in a garment called love?
2.) Spend time everyday speaking to God in prayer. It is remarkable how often we read in Scripture where Jesus, Himself, would sneak away to spend time with the Father. (Luke 5:16)
If this was something important to Jesus our Savoir, then it MUST be as important to us.
3.) In addition to "head knowledge" of the Bible, we need to be doing what the Bible teaches. This means living out the Gospel in our thought life as well as our physical life. Meeting others where they are as Christ did, seeking to meet their needs in a loving and humble way. Sometimes this means stretching ourselves outside our comfort zone, trusting God to use us for His glory and growing us into the image of His Son Jesus. James chapter 1 certainly speaks to this truth.
4.) Only then can our talents be more assured to give God glory promoting the Truth of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Our art will imitate our lives that truly do give glory to God.
Prayerfully, this will make our whole lives, not just our artwork (in whatever form that takes) will be influential to a culture that continually pushes morality and Biblical Truth away.
My prayer is that God works through our lives to save those we hold most dear to the point where we see a cultural shift back to the need for our Savior Jesus in our everyday lives, now and in eternity.