Sunday, February 2, 2020


It's 2020 and I have been feeling very convicted given the current culture climate.  Anti-Biblical voices are on the rise politically, in the "education" system, in the media "news" and entertainment in an effort to drown out any sense of morality and reason.  Up is down, round is square and right is wrong.  So, what does that mean for us?
So much to say on this very weighted topic so I will try to focus in on one aspect. Superbowl!

The internet is a flurry regarding Superbowl ads that lack any sense of morality while refusing to air ads promoting real morality.  When I see headlines like this it rocks me to the very core of my being as I seek to lie my life for God, remaining close to His Word while trying to live out the Gospel in all areas of my life.  I am very far from perfect.  The Bible reminds us of this truth in Romans 3:9-20, hence our need for Jesus.  But why does this bother me so?  We know that God declares these things will happen as a precursor to Jesus returning, so I should be joyful, even excited.  However I am not and here is why...
There are so many I know who, not only do not know Jesus or have failed to accept Him as their Savior, but out right reject Him and even mock those who do know Him.  These are family members,  friends, co-workers, and acquaintances.  I hear their discussions and see their posts on social media.  At first glance, these comments by them are outright mean, un-loving, inconsiderate, unapologetic, intolerant, etc. of everything I believe.  All against the Truth of God. If I would dare to try ti engage in a discussion on such conversations or postings, I am bullied into silence, so, I say nothing.  This is a Biblical Truth in James 1:19 that, until recently, I have been slow to learn
At second glance at the comments coming from the media or friends and relatives, I see the emptiness of their soul.  When we read in scripture, especially in Ecclesiastes, we see the eventual result of the selfish persecutes of this world brings. 

This saddens me more then I can express in words.  One, because the media and political agendas are pushing a self-centered agenda on generations of people, including my children, fostering a culture of pride that creates false hope and entitlement.  Two, because family members and friends that I deeply care about are buying into this false sense of hope that we know will only end up in despair, and if not repentant, will result in a very unfavorable eternity apart from God forever!

Ravi Zacharias has said "Everyone - pantheist, atheist, skeptic, polytheist - has to answer these questions: 'Where did I come from? What is life's meaning? How do I define right from wrong and what happens to me when I die?' Those are the fulcrum points of our existence."

The difference is between influences and being influential.  The current culture is trying to influence generations by seeking to be self serving, which we know by history, is completely unsustainable resulting in utter chaos.  Many will be baited by these ideas like the cheese in in a mouse trap only to realize their mistake when it is too late.  As children we are warned by being baited into a strangers car with puppies or ice cream and yet this is exactly what is happening in America today on a much bigger scale.

So what do we do and how exactly does this relate to being an artist?  Art imitates life.  Our goal as artists who love Christ should be to use our talents for His glory in an effort to guide souls into a saving relationship with our Savior.  In order to do this effectively, our lives first need to aligned with God's will.  If our lives do not exhibit the goodness of God, our art will not be exhibiting the glory of God.  This means being in the Word daily. 

1.) As Christ followers we need to know the Bible better then anyone.  If we do not, we are just as susceptible to being drawn in by false teachers who twist the very word of God in an effort to promote false doctrine. We see this today in the media, politics, education, etc. that say you can define yourself anyway you want to and it's OK, regardless of what the truth is  How deceitful is Satan who cloaks sin in a garment called love? 

2.) Spend time everyday speaking to God in prayer.  It is remarkable how often we read in Scripture where Jesus, Himself, would sneak away to spend time with the Father.  (Luke 5:16)
If this was something important to Jesus our Savoir, then it MUST be as important to us.

3.) In addition to "head knowledge" of the Bible, we need to be doing what the Bible teaches.  This means living out the Gospel in our thought life as well as our physical life.  Meeting others where they are as Christ did, seeking to meet their needs in a loving and humble way. Sometimes this means stretching ourselves outside our comfort zone, trusting God to use us for His glory and growing us into the image of His Son Jesus.  James chapter 1 certainly speaks to this truth.

4.) Only then can our talents be more assured to give God glory promoting the Truth of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Our art will imitate our lives that truly do give glory to God.
Prayerfully, this will make our whole lives, not just our artwork (in whatever form that takes) will be influential to a culture that continually pushes morality and Biblical Truth away.
My prayer is that God works through our lives to save those we hold most dear to the point where we see a cultural shift back to the need for our Savior Jesus in our everyday lives, now and in eternity.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Christ's kingdom in mind

As I research and study the Bible and my other ministry, I come across many great quotes. To be honest, the memorable ones are often the most convicting.

Here is one by Rick Morton in his book Know Orphans...

"I think it is healthy for us to evaluate how we are living and to examine if the decisions, big and small, in our lives are being made with building Christ's Kingdom in mind."

In context with C.A.F.E. I hope you pray about the work you do, the conversations or interactions you have, and even the thoughts you think, that they align with the mission of to share there Gospel and give glory to God.  

Try to make that your second prayer each morning.  
The first is thanking God for a new day.

Be blessed!

Sunday, September 4, 2016


"I wonder what would happen if the world's greatest atheist had a come-to-Jesus moment?"
This sounds like this could be a very good movie. While I think "God's Not Dead" was just an OK movie with a very scattered story aproach, we need more content in the mainstream to highlight on the fact that God is working today and the fact that we need Him desperately!
I work in a very dark industry. Many people openly mock Jesus, Christianity and the Bible in the entertainment business. I can not tell you how many times I hear the Lords name used as a profanity. I also hear people say, "religion is OK as long as you keep it to yourself." People champion their sin, expect others to support their choices, and to walk down that road with them hand in hand.
I know there are many closet Christians in entertainment, but why? What about the "Great Commission" in Matthew 28 : "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Are we not to be making disciples and desperately reaching the lost for the sake of Christ?
We cannot change anyone, that is up to God. But before someone will recognize their sin, they need Jesus. If they stop their sin but do not except Jesus, they are still lost.
If we truly believe that the Bible is the word of God, we must be doing something to reach the lost everyday. We need to be praying daily for our loved ones, friends, co-workers and strangers. Praying for our schools, government and nation.
We need to be living out the gospel with our lives and using our talents for the Kingdom and not shying away from the Truth that is in us.
I met Kevn Sorbo at a Comic Con once. He is a very nice guy and open about his faith. Sure he is successful in his career, but we cannot let the idea of career "success" be out gaol. "Success" should be defined as reaching one more for the kingdom. We need to stand at the gates of hell redirecting traffic.
What will you do today for Him? Please share Jesus with someone today. Right a letter or email. Draw or paint a picture and post it on Facebook or give it to someone and then pray for them, right there. Give someone a hand up today or just spend time with someone in need.
There is someone in your life today that needs Jesus. Go find them, share your faith, your hope, and the Truth of God's redeeming love.
The Blessings and Peace of God be with all of you!

Monday, August 1, 2016

LUKE 39: 39-43

As many fall into the spiral of political and social chaos, we as Christ followers need to remember where our hope must fall and where the Truth lives. Man is sinful, and no man or women can save us. No political leader can ever provide True freedom. Our hope, freedom and salvation rests in Jesus Christ alone. Only in Him are we saved and guaranteed a place in heaven away from the pains of sin and death. Only with Jesus. I encourage everyone reading this page to seek Him first. In our thoughts, word, actions, and art. Our very lives need to point to Christ. My hope and prayers are for everyone to be on their knees for this nation and this world and to share the promise of Christ with your neighbor, whomever that may be. That is our greatest need and our only hope. In His perfect name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

More "faith-based" films

This year there are many "faith based" movie out in theaters.  War Room, 90 Minutes in Heaven, Heaven is for Real, Woodlawn, Noah, and coming out in time for Easter, The Young Messiah, just to name a few.  While I am encouraged to see Hollywood bending slightly to the idea of Christian values on the big screen, all these films are not the same and some discretion should be taken when viewing these films.

Films like  90 Minutes in Heaven, Heaven is for Real, while inspiring and points to a Higher Power, are not necessarily Biblically accurate.  I am not totally against these films as long as you are engaged in a Bible study that addresses life after death.  For example...Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 5:8 or Hebrews 9:27.

Then there is Noah and The Young Messiah.  These are pretty much Hollywood films.  Noah used very little from the Bible and is pure "Hollywood." The Young Messiah is about the life of the young Jesus.

The Director of The Young Messiah, Cyrus Nowrasteh, explained the film this way.  "It’s important to us that The Young Messiah inspires people to visit, or revisit, Jesus’ story from a fresh new angle..."

There is a problem here.  In His Word, God gave us all we needed to know about the life of the young Jesus.  Although the director might have good intentions, the images and creative licenses used in this film are totally made up.  There are only a few times in the Bible that talk about the adolescent Jesus, which are important accounts, but none of which show him healing people or bringing birds to life.  "A fresh new angle should not include adding accounts to the Bible which never happened.
I am not saying do not go and see this movie, but I am saying it is not Biblically true.  Go see the film but use discernment on what you actually take from it.

My fear would be that people will get their "theology" from movies verses the Bible itself.  This has happened with books where people are reading books "about" the Bible rather then the reading the Bible.

Films like Noah and The Young Messiah can be good, but only as a bridge to bring the Bible and Jesus into conversations.  If you do see these films and have conversations, please be rooted in the word so you can help people see and know what is True and what is fiction.

On the flip side, films like Facing the Giants, War Room and Woodlawn are rooted in what the Bible teaches and asks of us.  They are entertaining but support Biblical teaching and values.  Films such as these put the Word into practice by showing the application of Biblical teaching.

In any event, when having conversations and in your work in entertainment, I would encourage you seek Him through prayer, be grounded in His Word, and let your life's work be about glorifying Him.  This is where true success can be found.

Listen to Director Jon Erwin talks with Dennis Rainey about the making of the inspirational feature film, Woodlawn:

Friday, May 8, 2015

"Faith-Based" films

I'd like to say that I am optimistic about the growing number of faith based films in Hollywood, but I am not.  At lease not the ones being promoted.

The term "faith based" is correct.  These films, or at least the ones already produced and named in this article, are loosely based on Biblical accounts.  They start with the Biblical accounts but then sacrifice the foundation and Truth for high budget FX and box office numbers.  Don't get me wrong, I am happy that Hollywood is allowing faith films to penetrate their empty, rude and sex driven culture.  I just pray that after watching these films, people go deeper, in some of these films cases, much deeper and find the saving grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Some fantastic faith based films that were not mentioned are ones like Facing the Giants, Courageous, Fire Proof and also What If staring Kevin Sorbo. Please check these out.

Any thoughts?

Friday, January 16, 2015

Biblical Christianity vs. Commercial Christianity

Here is an interesting article.

More and more we see Jesus being pushed to the side.  People like some of what the bible says so long as they don't need to change their way of life.  Even "Christians" are adopting a view point of tolerance for other faiths and watering down the Gospel, picking and choosing what they want to believe and leaving out the truly convicting passages.  We see the rise of more and more "seeker friendly" churches who are more concerned about the numbers in the door verses those saved for the Kingdom.  People are church hoping until they find the "perfect church" that makes them feel good.  As my pastor has said, if you find the perfect church don't go there because you will mess it up.  But seriously, our faith is not about having an emotional experience, our culture has gotten more concerned about feeling good and getting donuts after a service, or making sure the congregation is entertained rather then being convicted.  All love, no Truth.

Another article claims that in "2012, nearly 20% of the public now consider themselves atheist, agnostic."

It's no wonder.  When you are wish-washy on the foundational teachings of your faith there is nothing to stand on.  You can on except beliefs that go against the core of Biblical teaching.  People will walk away.

As Christians working in entertainment, this should convict us.  We are not here to sell Jesus.  We are here to bow down and serve Him and His people, for His glory, not ours.  Love and Truth.  You cannot have two foundations

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. 26 Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.”

Matthew 7:24-27