Monday, December 30, 2013

Biblical films' Hollywood comeback

Praying that there will be real change in 2014 and that these films give glory to God. Not just money makers but faith builders.

“For years Hollywood bent over backwards to reach special interest groups, be it feminists or environmentalists. It has finally realised that there are 91 million evangelical Christians in America.” - Phil Cooke

Thursday, November 14, 2013

“Life is not a manageable project or a test to be taken.  We can find small joys everyday if we have eyes of faith.  We can find meaning if we search for a greater purpose.  And perhaps most important, we need to realize that life is a great gift.”
- Phil Cooke

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quote of the Day 7/08/13

“It’s just an expression meaning the Beatles seem to me to have more influence over youth than Christ. Now I wasn’t saying that was a good idea, ‘cos I’m one of Christ’s biggest fans. And if I can turn the focus on the Beatles on to Christ’s message, then that’s what we’re here to do.” - John Lennon

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Quote of the Day - 06/26/13

"Stop asking God to bless what you are doing...find out what God is doing because it's already blessed." - Bono

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Quote of the Day - 04/18/13

“The Bible generates life, creates faith, defeats the devil, causes miracles, heals hurt, builds character, transforms circumstances, imparts joy, enables us to overcome obstacles, is a sword of the spirit and the word of God. Because of the word of God, I believe in Jesus. I believe in what I know, not what I feel.” - Pastor Jack Graham

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Quote of the Day 03/28/13

"No one with half a brain wants to be thought of as a bigot. But that's what I and others risk as members of a distinct and irritating minority — as traditional Christians in journalism.
It is a world of language and political symbolism, a world where ideas are often framed so that they may lead to inexorable conclusions favored by the dominant culture. In this media world, I sometimes wonder whether the word "sin" has been outlawed by the high priests of journalism for fear of offending one group or another. And I'd rather not ask." - John Kass

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thought for the day - 03/16/13

"Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause"

This quote comes from the song "Hosanna."  It was playing on the radio this morning and it got me thinking.  What does it really mean to be "everything I am" for God's kingdom?  When we as Christians are called to live for Christ and seek Him in everything we do, does it really mean "everything?"  If we are to take the teachings of Jesus literally, then the answer is yes.  Everything we do from brushing our teeth and eating a meal, to doing our jobs and interacting with people needs to glorify God.

"Everything I am," only makes sense because He created us and therefore we are not our own anyway.  The Bible says we were created in His image for His Glory.  If God created us, gave us out talents and provides all we have, shouldn't we give Him the credit and thank Him all the time?  Shouldn't we seek to glorify Him in our work, relationships and when we are alone?  I would assume that anyone reading this would be saying yes at this point, but do you really believe it?  I mean do we really want to surrender all we have and all we are to the cause of Christ?  I have dreams and goal that may not align with the teachings of Christ, does that mean I need to surrender those as well?  As Christ followers that is exactly what we are to do.

It is easy to get caught up in the glamour of the entertainment industry. When I first started out in the entertainment business I thought that the only way to be considered successful or creditable was to win that award.  The affirmation of my piers is what seemed to matter the most.  In confession, this feeling only left me recently as life lessons have taught me.  It is only human to seek praise from those around you.  In Hollywood it can seem like that is the only thing that matters. Only when we truly seek Him (Matthew 6:33 ) will we be satisfied.  This is a good lesson to learn early in your career, in whatever field, and so important in our walk with Christ and our witness.

In Hollywood, the award show season has come and gone.  Some people won and some lost.  Some did not even get nominated.  You hear celebrities give thanks to God in their expectance speeches but it often comes off really shallow.  If they truly believed in God and that He deserves the glory for all things, then why take the time to thank anyone else.  To take it further, let's look at the content of the work you are being recognized for.  Does it glorify God?  When people see your film do they see God?  If they do not, then how can you think God is pleased with the way you are using the talents He gave you?

Henri Nouwen said, "The dark voices of my surrounding world try to persuade me that I am no good and that I can only become good by earning my goodness through "making it" up the ladder of success."  As Christians we know that this is false.  The only opinion that really matters is that or our Lord and Savior.  We should all strive to glorify Him in all that we do that is seen by others and that which is not.  We do not need to hear the praise of others but strive to hear God say to us "‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’" - Matthew 25:21

It would be good to reflect on this as we continue in all our pursuit