More and more we see Jesus being pushed to the side. People like some of what the bible says so long as they don't need to change their way of life. Even "Christians" are adopting a view point of tolerance for other faiths and watering down the Gospel, picking and choosing what they want to believe and leaving out the truly convicting passages. We see the rise of more and more "seeker friendly" churches who are more concerned about the numbers in the door verses those saved for the Kingdom. People are church hoping until they find the "perfect church" that makes them feel good. As my pastor has said, if you find the perfect church don't go there because you will mess it up. But seriously, our faith is not about having an emotional experience, our culture has gotten more concerned about feeling good and getting donuts after a service, or making sure the congregation is entertained rather then being convicted. All love, no Truth.
Another article claims that in "2012, nearly 20% of the public now consider themselves atheist, agnostic."
It's no wonder. When you are wish-washy on the foundational teachings of your faith there is nothing to stand on. You can on except beliefs that go against the core of Biblical teaching. People will walk away.
As Christians working in entertainment, this should convict us. We are not here to sell Jesus. We are here to bow down and serve Him and His people, for His glory, not ours. Love and Truth. You cannot have two foundations