Sunday, September 4, 2016


"I wonder what would happen if the world's greatest atheist had a come-to-Jesus moment?"
This sounds like this could be a very good movie. While I think "God's Not Dead" was just an OK movie with a very scattered story aproach, we need more content in the mainstream to highlight on the fact that God is working today and the fact that we need Him desperately!
I work in a very dark industry. Many people openly mock Jesus, Christianity and the Bible in the entertainment business. I can not tell you how many times I hear the Lords name used as a profanity. I also hear people say, "religion is OK as long as you keep it to yourself." People champion their sin, expect others to support their choices, and to walk down that road with them hand in hand.
I know there are many closet Christians in entertainment, but why? What about the "Great Commission" in Matthew 28 : "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Are we not to be making disciples and desperately reaching the lost for the sake of Christ?
We cannot change anyone, that is up to God. But before someone will recognize their sin, they need Jesus. If they stop their sin but do not except Jesus, they are still lost.
If we truly believe that the Bible is the word of God, we must be doing something to reach the lost everyday. We need to be praying daily for our loved ones, friends, co-workers and strangers. Praying for our schools, government and nation.
We need to be living out the gospel with our lives and using our talents for the Kingdom and not shying away from the Truth that is in us.
I met Kevn Sorbo at a Comic Con once. He is a very nice guy and open about his faith. Sure he is successful in his career, but we cannot let the idea of career "success" be out gaol. "Success" should be defined as reaching one more for the kingdom. We need to stand at the gates of hell redirecting traffic.
What will you do today for Him? Please share Jesus with someone today. Right a letter or email. Draw or paint a picture and post it on Facebook or give it to someone and then pray for them, right there. Give someone a hand up today or just spend time with someone in need.
There is someone in your life today that needs Jesus. Go find them, share your faith, your hope, and the Truth of God's redeeming love.
The Blessings and Peace of God be with all of you!