Thursday, June 16, 2011

Quote of the Day 6/16/11

"I have been placed in this job for a purpose, and I am just trying to make great movies and keep my eyes on Him. I don't deserve any praise....It is definitely all God's hand that I get to do this. And who knows how long this will last? He may choose someone else." - Ralph Winter

There are so many being led astray today. There are false gospels being preached, people saying God is not important or not embracing His Word as part of their lives. These thoughts and ideas are constantly being fed to us daily via radio, television, movies and conversations at the coffee shop. You hear it and your kids hear it. Soon it will be widely accepted and then what?

Maybe we feel that God is important but not in our profession. Some think that is is the job of the church or a pastor not us or that God really has no place in our job and certainly not in what we listen to or watch.

The fact is that God is in every part of our lives and is very important. After all, He created us and everything! God has given us all a purpose and talents. He has placed us where we are as part of His plan. Like Ralph Winter said, it is not about us but for Him, for His glory. Let's do His Work.

Isaiah 12:4
And in that day you will say,
“Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name.
Make known His deeds among the peoples;
Make them remember that His name is exalted.”

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